Master Class in Kaiserslautern
A very instructive, unique and unforgettable ITF Master Class conducted by Master Yogi Chand VIII. DAN from the UK ITF, took place this weekend (04.11.23) in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
And it was more than worth it!!! To everyones surprise the 6 hours flew by so fast and we did not want to stop.
From Patterns, Ilbo-Matsogi, Gibon Yeonseup over theory to explaining the application of moves from different patterns....everything was part of the Master Class and we did not miss anything out.
We were beyond happy and honoured all at once having an amazing and very professional Instructor as Master Chand sharing his knowledge with us.
We want to thank Mr. R. Sokhi (V. DAN) from the UK ITF for assisting Master Chand as well as Mr. Kim Marc Herzog and Mrs. Sarah Herzog from Kampfkunst Herz for their tremendous hospitality and organization and last but not least our black belts who came from across the country to participate at the ITF Master Class.
But our biggest THANK YOU goes to Master Yogi Chand, VIII. DAN who followed our invitation to come to Germany.
Anastasia President of the INO#363
Am Freitag, den 24.03.23 hat unsere diesjährige Hauptversammlung stattgefunden. Wir bedanken uns an dieser Stelle bei Ana für ihre unheimlich wertvolle Unterstützung als stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin. Außerdem bedanken wir uns bei Monique für ihr außerordentliches Engagement und ihre Zuverlässigkeit als Pressereferentin. Zu guter Letzt möchten wir uns noch bei Karin, unsere langjährige Revisorin, für alles, was du für diesen Verein getan hast bedanken.
Das sind unsere neu- und wiedergewählten Ämter:
Stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin – Panagiota Globig
Kassierer – Rainer Lehnen
Pressereferentin – Olga Miller
Abteilungsrevisoren – Werner Latzko, Mercedes Folch Garcia
Zeugwart – Vera Grob